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Steele Page 8

  “You did all right for yourself,” Atlas said in his ear.

  Calix looked back at him and revolved. “I did. Didn’t I?”

  Atlas dropped his hand to his side. “She’s a beautiful girl with a motherly glow.”

  He couldn’t help but beam. “Can’t convince her to marry me yet though, and I’m afraid to pressure her.”

  “It’ll happen. You have to be patient. For all my trying to push things, in the end it was up to Meghan.”

  Calix glanced toward Flynn again and watched her bend forward and whisper in Meghan’s ear. Atlas chuckled.

  “Go ahead and tell me how bad I am,” Calix said. “But I can’t see her enough.”

  “Spoken like a man in love.”

  The door to the private dining area opened and a distinguished man entered. He scanned the room then, spotting Atlas, made his way their direction. Calix quickly figured the cost of his suit in his head, then subtracted it from the cost of Atlas’s. He’d thought Atlas could out-dress anyone. Apparently, he was wrong.

  “I want to introduce you to someone,” Atlas said, shaking the man’s hand.

  The man brought a practiced smile to Calix’s face. Tanned skin and a well-trimmed beard made him look older than he probably was.

  “This is Paxton Wolfe.”

  “Wolfe? As in Linus Wolfe?” Calix asked.

  Paxton extended his hand. “My father.”

  “Old money,” Atlas said. “While we can only claim ours back one or two generations. His goes back to English nobility. Knights and crusaders.” He struck a fencing pose.

  Paxton laughed, a deep, rolling sound. “Nothing quite so romantic.”

  “Oh, please …” Meghan approached from the rear. “I’ve been inside his castle and thought I should dress in fourteen skirts and silk slippers.”

  “You, my beautiful lady …” He bowed and took her hand. “Are perfect exactly like you are.”

  He straightened and his eyes lit on Flynn. “And who is this charming creature?”

  “This is Calix’s significant other,” Meghan said. “Don’t cross her, she’ll take the spark plugs out of your car when you aren’t watching.”


  Atlas nodded.

  Paxton stood taller and his friendly demeanor became crisp. “So tell me … why am I here? I seem to be the sore thumb, unattached and fancy free.”

  Atlas moved to a covered easel on the far wall. “You are here because tonight we officially launch …” He removed the cloth covering. “Steele-Bellamy Cruise Line.”

  Calix drank in the professionally designed logo, the futuristic depiction of their first ship, and wrapped an arm around Flynn.

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered in his ear.

  He squeezed her side. “Like you.”

  “Cruise Line?” Paxton stepped forward.

  “We already have a ship,” Atlas said. “Going to call it The Beautiful Lady, after two of the most special women we know.”

  “That’s … wonderful, and you need me for …?”

  Atlas smiled. “We need to put a face on the front, and I can’t think of a better one than yours.”

  Paxton seemed to take that in, then his smile reemerged. “You always did know how to surprise me, old pal. Except for that one rowing regatta I’m convinced you cheated.”

  “Me?” Atlas asked. “I’m as honest as they come.”

  And the room broke into laughter.


  Of all the stories, I’ve written the predecessor to this one, ATLAS, is one of my favorites, but I never intended it to have a sequel. When I spotted the gent on the cover photo, however, it sprung in me instantly. I knew his name, how he fit in, and who the woman was in his life. Then I said, why stop at two? Thus was born Paxton Wolfe, who will star in book 3.

  On the more serious side, when I saw where Flynn and Calix’s relationship was going, I stopped and considered what to write. It is always delicate dealing with sexual scenes in Christian fiction. I was given wise words by a godly friend, “Don’t use all caps.” I understood that, and it was instrumental in knowing how to phrase things.

  The fact is temptation is all around us every day. Sometimes we respond to it correctly. Sometimes we don’t. But God is always willing to draw us back from where we are. He didn’t need Calix or Flynn to become perfect to be forgiven. He only needed them to ask.

  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (Jn 3:16)

  Suzanne D. Williams

  In case you missed it … Book 1!

  She pulled her head back, and the expression she gave him spiraled down into his shoes. He’d blown it … He’d assumed once he held her close, she’d give in to the attraction growing between them.

  Yet there it was on her face. She wasn’t after his money or his status. It’d take way more than either one of those to win her over.


  Millionaire playboy Atlas Bellamy never met a woman he couldn’t have. Until Meghan Moralez. An accomplished doctor with a thriving practice, she’s not swayed by his money or charm and, seemingly, well able to walk away.

  Then a twist of circumstance thrusts them together again, and his determination rises. He knows how to win her over. All it’ll take is a little time and patience.

  Except what time he thought he had, he doesn’t anymore, and his chance at true love might just be fading away.

  A sweet romance of two lives from different sides of town, by best-selling author, SUZANNE D. WILLIAMS.

  Book 3!


  Best-selling author, Suzanne D. Williams, is a native Floridian, wife, mother, and photographer. She is the author of both nonfiction and fiction books. She writes a monthly column for on the subject of digital photography, as well as devotionals and instructional articles for various blogs. She also does graphic design for self-publishing authors. She is co-founder of THE EDGE.

  To learn more about what she’s doing and check out her extensive catalogue of stories, visit or link with her on Facebook at

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